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Sample from the book, starting text from the first chapter- - Introduction of Guru Raamayan - Spirituality without superstition!
This book Guru Raamayan is free from any doubts and myths and superstitions. This is not some bearded Guru explaining the nature of Raam and Lakshman and Sita. This is also not some bearded guru singing praises of the nature and behaviour of one man. Raamayan goes beyond one man, way beyond. Do you think that a book can become popular and remain popular for thousands of years if it is simply praising one man and his quest? Raamayan is much more than that. The spiritual meaning within Raamayan goes much deeper. And it is that deep untold spiritual meaning of Raamayan which is finally revealed in Guru Raamayan! An untold meaning that had never been read or heard before in Kalyug. Learning this untold meaning will remove the ill effects of Kalyug from your life for as long as you will remember and will follow this spiritual message. It will also make you a better student, a better professional, a better businessman, and even a better politician.
I have added a worksheet of just five questions near the end of this book. Write down your goals in the worksheet given at the end of this book. Follow the steps given in the worksheet and see your goals come true! Success shall be yours in every aspect of life! Honest answers to those five questions will decide how successful you will be in your life.
The five questions in the worksheet will allow you to sort out your goals in life, no matter how small or large they are. Answering those five questions honestly will also give you a deeper understanding of your own self. It is this understanding which will help you achieve your goals. And all of it by answering five simple questions. Can self improvement get easier than this?
Before we continue, I am sure you have noticed the spelling change in words like Raam and Raamayan by now. These are the correct spellings. Let me explain why.
Most of us today are used to the modified spelling of Raam as Rama. In this book I have used the original spelling Raam, not the modified spelling Rama. In Sanskrit language, adding an “A” at the end of the word generally changes the word from male to female, not always but often. Calling Raam as Rama is like changing the gender of the person himself, which is not proper. Here are a few examples for you to consider and think about.
Take for example, in the epic Mahabharat, another name of the female character Draupadi was Krishna, but today we call the male hero Krishan as Krishna. How is it proper? It is not. Likewise, Rama is the name of Vishnu’s wife. How is it proper to address the male character Raam by the name of Rama? It is not. Who are you worshipping, Draupadi or Krishan, Raam or Vishnu’s wife?
Let me give you a few more examples. Inder is a male name while Indera is a female name. Jay is a male name while Jaya is a female name. Ranjan is a male name while Ranjana is a female name. Neeraj is a male name while Neerja is a female name. Geet is a male name while Geeta is a female name. Tanuj is a male name while Tanuja is a female name. All those names have their origin in Sanskrit language. This is the pattern in Sanskrit language. This is how the Sanskrit language works.
And now, in Kalyug, you have changed almost all male GOD names to female names. You have changed Raam to Rama. You have changed Krishan to Krishna. You have changed Inder to Indera or even Indira. You even sit chanting a popular mantra with the exact same mistake. “Hare Krishna Hare Krishna”. Who are you worshipping in that mantra? Draupadi, isn’t it? Was that whom you intended to worship?
The word Mantra also has the same mistake, but it’s not a name of a GOD, so we can let it pass for now.
How would you feel if someone started addressing you by a female name or vice versa? How would you feel if someone constantly and knowingly mispronounced your name? Most of us won’t like that. And yet, we are doing the same to those whom we worship. How is that proper? It is not.
For this reason, I am using the closest English spelling possible to the original Sanskrit word in this book. For this reason, I am spelling the Lord’s name as Raam and not as Rama. Likewise, the epic is called Raamayan and not Ramayana. These are the proper spellings of the original Sanskrit words when written in English without changing the gender and meaning of the word.
With that matter settled, let us now move ahead with the book and what the book contains.
Devrishi Narad Muni, a sage of the heavens, was the first one who recited the Raamayan. Maharishi Valmiki heard the Raamayan from Devrishi Narad himself and after reciting the story, Devrishi said that whoever listens and understand the Raamayan, shall attain a long life and reach heaven later. A Learned shall attain Knowledge of highest order, a Warrior shall attain Royalty, a merchant shall attain Wealth and a Worker shall attain Greatness and Praises.
Devrishi Narad is the sage of heavens. The word Devrishi itself means a Sage of Heavens. Just like how we have sages and gurus here on Earth, likewise, Devrishi Narad Muni is considered a sage in heavens. He cannot lie. Devrishi Narad is also considered an incarnation of lord Vishnu, a knowledge incarnation. Will an incarnation lie? He cannot. And yet, we do not see those blessings coming true even after you end up reading the story of Valmiki Raamayan ten times. Why is this so? What are you doing wrong? What are you missing?
This is so because you have only read the words written in Raamayan till now. You have never understood the real spiritual meaning written inside the story of Raamayan. It is this spiritual meaning which is the true power of Raamayan. It is this spiritual meaning which is the true blessings of Raamayan. Simply by understanding this true meaning, students can find the key to achieving success in their educational areas. Likewise, merchants and traders can find the key to earning wealth, and the service class can achieve success and praises in their areas of work.
The story of Raamayan is not simply the story of a King trying to free his wife from the clutches of a demon. The untold spiritual meaning of the story must and must be understood to attain those blessings. Once you have understood the hidden spiritual meaning of Raamayan, the reason for those blessings will also become clear to you. And those blessings will then come true for you. It is these spiritual meanings which will be explain immediately after Devrishi Narad completes his recitation of Raamayan in the next chapter of this book.
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